This is my house and TLW is mine too! HAHA!
Guess I've been holding on to TLW for a while now. Maybe we should buy a house together. :)
I guess no one wants TLW but me.
TLW and I are going for ice cream.
I want it.
*takes TLW and the ice cream*
You can have the ice cream, but I'm taking TLW.
-grabs TLW and runs into the trees of a nearby forest-
*drops down from a tree dressed in all black and snatches TLW away before disappearing in a cloud of smoke*
Haha....the fat ninja strikes again!
*Attacks the smoke with a portable shopvac. Exposes the fat ninja and reclaims TLW before running away deeper into the forest.*
Sometimes OCD is a good thing. lol
Hey! I worked hard to steal that.
*snatches TLW away with a lasso*
*grabs the rope and ties up the fat ninja, leaves him dangling from a tree branch as she runs off with TLW*
And we're off again! lol
*fat ninja becoms fat Jedi and takes TLW with the Force*
Now what did I do with that lightsaber?
*bops fat jedi with his own light saber, snatched TLW, and runs off into a thick fog bank*
Aha! It's mine!
Who you kicking, and are they squealing or screaming? lol
Yes that depends on whether I'm doing my job, or if I'm lagging because I'm tired. ????
I was pleased to read your offerings in the library. It's been a while since I've seen such anywhere, but then offline has taken me away much from these places.
How have you been"?
By the way, I'm taking TLW *POOF*