Double LeTTer Game

From: kell (ALANKELL)15 Oct 2021 00:55
To: DeannaG 50 of 73
DeaNNa, I'm not expecting you to find much of my stuFF in your files.  I just thought I'd ask.  Through the years I've bEEn careless with my writing.  Saved it a couple times, but lost the disks.  Probably printed out hard copies of everything, and lost that too.  I haven't written creatively in over ten years, so...things get misplaced.

Stay with the continuing education.  I think the more of it you have, the better you are able to caLL your own shots.

Good pictures of your family.  Love cats.  We don't have any right now and probably won't get any more, but we both love 'em.
From: DeannaG12 Dec 2021 03:10
To: kell (ALANKELL) 51 of 73
SoRRy I got sidetracked. A lot of stuFF going on right now. Mom paSSed November 3rd, and everyone is just oFF their mark right now, then we have the holidays right around the corner. It's going to be weird without her.

Had to replace a computer. Got myself one of those mini pc units. So far, it's sEEms okay. Had to buy a separate disk drive for it and my laptop. APParently, many computers don't come with them anymore. Oh weLL, only ran me $20 and it works great.

I wiLL take a lOOk through things as sOOn as I get a chance here in the next few wEEks.

You guys have a safe and haPPY holiday season.!
From: kell (ALANKELL)12 Dec 2021 11:32
To: DeannaG 52 of 73
No sweat on my stuFF, DeaNNa.  I was careless with it in the first place and only got interested in finding it recently.

SoRRy to hear about your mother.  My best to you and your family.  When my mom died it left a big hole in the family...when Dad died I wasn't myself for months.  Maybe I'm stiLL not.

Good to know you're back online.  I hate my computer but I probably can't do without it.  ~g~

HaPPy Holidays!
From: DeannaG 7 Jan 2022 00:26
To: kell (ALANKELL) 53 of 73
The holiday's were kind of weird for everyone. No one was reaLLy on their game this year. We lost Mom, and I just heard today we have another family member on their death bed. I fEEl for his ex-wife and kids, but him and I never liked each other, so I won't miSS him. He's the ex's older brother. Even before the ex puLLed the crap he did, I never liked his brother. FuNNy thing is, neither did he. The sister he never liked either, but I've always liked her. She's a true no buLL kind of gal, who'd do anything she could to help anyone she could. Her I'LL be soRRy to see go when her time comes. She's a true swEEtheart, and her health is bad to say the least.

WeLL, I tried a rent to own to replace my desktop, but then found this mini pc on Amazon for a third of the price they wanted for the one I was renting. Mini pc $560 and their fuLL size pc $1800. Neither had a disk drive. Theirs had a keyboard and mouse, which I didn't nEEd anyway. So I opted for the mini pc, which takes up a lot leSS space, and actually has a faster proceSSor, more storage, more usb ports, and more RAM. Where it was important, it has more everything. I got a disk drive from Amazon for like $20, and I was off and roLLing. InstaLLed aLL my stuFF, but for CorelDraw, which I'm going to have get a new version. No big deal. I wanted to upgrade it anyway. My old version is 7. Got it with my first computer back in the late

I've bEEn doing everything I did with my old computer and more with this one and it works great.

How were your holidays this year? I hope they were great!

From: kell (ALANKELL) 8 Jan 2022 01:17
To: DeannaG 54 of 73
The holidays were fine, DeaNNA, but the new year is starting out a little raGGed.  My best friend's wife is in poor health and has poor vision, and is in the hospital today after a faLL.  Also, our acroSS-the-strEEt neighbor was taken in the ambulance today, cause unknown.  We're aLL geTTing old, so stuFF like this is to be expected, but it ain't fun.

Sounds like you've overcome whatever computer woes you'd had and are on the right track now.  I trust having a reliable computer wiLL make your life easier.  I can remember a time when I didn't rely on my computer, but those days are long gone.  DuNNo what I'd do without it now, LOL.
From: DeannaG23 Jan 2022 02:12
To: kell (ALANKELL) 55 of 73
SoRRy to hear so many are having trouble in your neck of the wOOds.

I hear you on the computer. I don't know what I would do without mine either.

We did puLL a hoRRible trick on my grandkids, at least thrEE of them. We hid their ceLL phones, then left a rotary phone siTTing on the table. You should have sEEn the lOOks of confusion on their faces. It was golden! LOL

Kids always think they have it so rough. Can you imagine if we tOOk away all the things that have come into existence in our time and left them to figure it aLL out. They'd be so lost. No internet. No 500+ chaNNels. No microwaves. No ceLL phones, and so much more. They would so freaked out. LOL
From: kell (ALANKELL)23 Jan 2022 03:45
To: DeannaG 56 of 73
The best friend's wife is stiLL in the hospital.  She has become dependent on painkiLLers over the years and the staFF is aTTempting to wean her oFF the drugs.  She is resisting.  She is kept sedated; when they don't sedate her she tries to puLL her tubes lOOse.  Not sure how that one is going to turn out.

My neighbor came home today.  Her son came over, cranked up her car and picked her up at the hospital.  Turns out she has a broken hip...took a faLL on the step betwEEn her kitchen and her garage.  She's 85 and broken hips are a bad sign, but I'm beTTing on her.  She stays active and is in preTTy good shape, so I think she'LL make it.

It's bEEn cold here the last couple of nights, diPPing to frEEzing.  Can't compare with your temps, but preTTy cold on the Gulf Coast.

Bad grandma.  Bad, BAD grandma lol.  Those are the kids that are goNNa come spring you from the hospital some day lol.
From: DeannaG27 Jan 2022 00:20
To: kell (ALANKELL) 57 of 73
That wiLL depend on how bad the fOOd is in our hospital. I know people complain about hospital fOOd aLL the time, but our's actuaLLy preTTy gOOd most of the time. They do make a few things that make you want to hurl, and they need to lay oFF the salt in some of them, but in general they do very gOOd. I love their chicken potpie soup and their chicken and dumplings soup. Their chili ain't bad either most of the time.

I'm soRRy to hear so many of your neighbors and friends are having a rough time. I hope aLL goes weLL for them aLL.

Found out I have a stalky neighbor. He told our neighbor out back he's goNNa get some of me. I'm thinking NOT HAPPENING! I don't date people I work with with or live in the same neighborhOOd. I've sEEn both end up bad for a bunch of people. Not faLLing, walking, or ruNNing into that meSS. Nope! Besides I like being on my own.

I can do whatever I want whenever I want, and I don't have to cater to anyone else. I sort of fEEl like I'm an arthritic tEEn. ALL the experience I've gained, and no one to be responsible for or to but me. My girls woRRy about me being alone, but I just kEEp teLLing them there is a big diFFerence betwEEn being alone and being lonely. I don't think they quite get it yet, but one day they might. I'm an old antisocial bitch, but at least I'm haPPy. :)

Yep. We've had a bit of cold, but nothing we're not used to preTTy much used to this time of year. I've got a fuLL tank of fuel and $400 credit with my fuel company if I nEEd a refiLL, so I'm gOOd to go. Bought a snow blower and finaLLy had a reason to use it. My yard guy comes over and runs it for me. Him and his wife don't want me toDDling, as they put it, up and down my driveway. They're woRRied I'LL faLL.

I don't imagine you guys are enjoying the cold. You're probably not used to it like we are up here. How the suPPort systems handling it? Our plows, etc. are out before it even starts most of the time, depending on predicted severity.
From: kell (ALANKELL)27 Jan 2022 02:04
To: DeannaG 58 of 73
I used to be fine when I was single, DeaNNa.  Dated some but I was preTTy comfortable being alone.  BEEn maRRied quite a while now, though.  AtuaLLy being alone might not be as aTTractive now as it once was.

SuPPort?  Weather suPPort systems?  We've got trucks that spread salt on the highways, mostly on bridges and overpaSSes.  Closest snowplow is probably in Tulsa.  Maybe 350 miles north.  Got a lot of bayous, though, and frEEways, so that means lots of bridges and overpaSSes.

Careful about threats made against you.  People have always bEEn weird, and COVID isn't making them anything but weirder.  A crazy guy wiLL think you'LL learn to like him once you've had a taste, and I'd hate that you're in jail for staBBing or shOOting his dumb aSS.

Turns out faLLing is no joke.  I haven't spoken with my neighbor since she's been home from the hospital, but it was a faLL that laid her up.  If you have a friend who isn't tOO weird, let him help you with the outside chores.

A hospital can't screw up their fOOd bad enough I won't eat it, unleSS they make it entirely salt frEE.  Salt frEE fOOd can be worse than can taste reaLLy bad.  LOL.  I like institutional food just fine.

From: DeannaG27 Jan 2022 03:54
To: kell (ALANKELL) 59 of 73
The worst meal I ever had was on a plane. The next time we flew we brought our own. We just tOOk some sandwiches and stuFF, finger fOOd, but at least it was worth eating.

I wouldn't go to jail. PeNNsylvania is a castle law state. ALL I goTTa do it teLL him to get oFF my property once. He doesn't and he's fair game.  (devil) I double checked with the

I hear you. I feLL a few wEEks back. Nothing serious, but it sure did jar me gOOd. The older you get the worse it sEEms to get for ya. We just don't bounce back like we used to anymore.

WeLL we were together over 25yrs, so it was an adjustment at first, but I've seTTled in and I'm preTTy haPPy. If I want company, I caLL or I go visit someone, then when I've had enough of them I can just hang up or
From: kell (ALANKELL)27 Jan 2022 21:36
To: DeannaG 60 of 73
I don't recaLL tOO many "worst" meals because I generaLLy enjoy my fOOd.  A number of years ago I got a batch of KFC nuGGets that were preTTy bad because they were tOO dry.  I ate most of them anyway because I was in a screaming huRRy.  But most meals for me are at least paSSable.

Used to be I'd fall down and get back up.  Can't do that anymore...takes some plaNNing and some logistical work to get back on my fEEt.  Don't know how vulnerable I am to broken bones.  I've knocked around a bit, playing sports and whatnot...I'm used to faLLing and geTTing back up.  I'm probably not as tough as I think I am.

The vast majority of my social life is on Delphi, which means I'm not sEEing people in person much.  I like it that way.
From: DeannaG30 Mar 2022 07:10
To: kell (ALANKELL) 61 of 73
I hear ya. I was a varsity leTTerman for basketbaLL and voLLeybaLL when I was young, plus I did a lot of other things like croSS country, surfing, coMMunity stuFF like helping to clean beaches. I wasn't kind to my body. Mostly in North Carolina and Florida, but I didn't do much in Pennsylvania. For the most part, I hated the kids I grew up with around here. If they would've droPPed a bomb on this town, and is neighbors, I don't sEE where the world would have lost much in general.

With my arthritis I try to watch it. I don't heal so gOOd after a break anymore.

I hear you on the online, that is where most of my interactions are as weLL, and I'm preTTy happy with it. Got a few I video chat with now and then, but mostly it's FB, meSSage boards and such.

I thought Winter was done with us when we had a few nice days, reaLLy nice days, but the bitch came back at us a heLLing. Glad I got plenty of fuel oil. She's been a frigid ho this past wEEk. How are things down around there for you guys?
From: kell (ALANKELL)31 Mar 2022 06:10
To: DeannaG 62 of 73
Winter wasn't tOO tough this year.  A few cold days but no hard frEEzes.  Rediscovered my local library recently and I plan to catch up on some reading.  Also maybe ask if they caRRy music cds.  Just generaLLy get used to using the library again. 

I started with the intention of reading some literature type bOOks but got sidetracked into reading bOOks by recent political figures --- Alexander Vindman, Stephanie Grisham...reading a great book by Fiona HiLL at the moment.  Learning aLL sorts of things.
From: DeannaG 5 May 2022 18:29
To: kell (ALANKELL) 63 of 73
I mostly read fantasy, scifi, or hoRRor, sometimes I hit a few others like westerns. Love David EDDings. GoTTa be my favorite author. I've read his The Belgariad series more times than I can count. Worn out a few copies I have. lol

Things have finaLLy warmed up and stayed steady here. I got my flower bed out front and my flower pots on the front steps aLL planted up. I'm going to give them a few days before taking any pictures of them. Give them time to seTTle in, considering when you first plant things they tend to be a bit drOOpy.

Planted a few I haven't planted before, so we'LL sEE how they do. Next time I have oFF, I might work on doing some edibles.

You guys doing any gardening this year?
From: kell (ALANKELL) 6 May 2022 01:34
To: DeannaG 64 of 73
I mostly read mysteries and westerns, though I just finished a teRRific memoir by Marie Yovanovitch.  HopefuLLy her bOOk wiLL be the last political reading for a while.

I'm not much into gardening.  We mow and edge...any improvements are aLL hers.
From: DeannaG 7 May 2022 15:13
To: kell (ALANKELL) 65 of 73
I like posies. I like to sEE how they turn out when they start reaLLy growing. I don't do as much as i used to anymore. It's just tOO much on the legs. I think I'LL grow some tomatoes and a few other things in some buckets, but I don't sEE me doing the whole big garden thing anymore. I'm just not up to it, and I reaLLy don't nEEd a lot of stuFF anyway. I am thinking about doing some indOOr gardening in the one room in basement, smaLL stuFF. Nothing big.
From: kell (ALANKELL) 7 Sep 2022 10:41
To: DeannaG 66 of 73
You geTTing through the suMMer ok?  It's been preTTy hot here, and not much rain.  In the last few wEEks we've had more rain, and we nEEd it.  Kinda stiLL waiting on a huRRicane.  We don't have one every year, but they are normal enough.  Sometimes devastating but never truly abnormal.

I've taken up going to the library again this year...started checking out books at the end of winter.  I read mostly mysteries but I've given general fiction a little try.  I don't like what I've read in general fiction very much...too many stories about relationships.  I'd rather read about tough guys solving problems LOL.

Take care, I hope you are well.
From: DeannaG 7 Sep 2022 14:52
To: kell (ALANKELL) 67 of 73
We've bEEn going through a bit of a dry speLL, but for the last few days we've actuaLLy been geTTing a nice, gentle, soaking rain, which we desperately nEEd in this area.

My weLL busted, so I'm living on boTTled water for now. Got myself some five and thrEE gaLLon stackable water boTTles, and I've always saved gaLLon jugs from milk, water, etc. Bought a smaLL portable washer that handles everything but blankets and only uses about thrEE gaLLons to wash and the same to rinse. It has a spin dryer that works extremely weLL. After that, oFF to the dryer.

I also got a counter top dishwasher with a hold tank that I can drain into a bucket. It only uses a gaLLon and a half, and holds a lot of dishes. TOOk me a wEEk to fiLL it enough to run a load. The water I use for dishes, bathing, washing clothes, etc. aLL goes down the toilet. So, I usuaLLy get at least two, if not thrEE, uses out of each batch of water.

I learned how to be water thrifty when I lived in the trailer. Every Winter, never failed, we ended up at least a few wEEks without ruNNing water due to frEEze. So I'm weLL trained for living without ruNNing water for a while. lol

I'm talking with the insurance company and the USDA, and it lOOks like when it's aLL said and done I'LL mostly likely end up with a new weLL, and aLL the fixing that go with it, plus a new driveway for around $250 or so. It's just paperwork at this moment. It's a bit inconvenient, but nothing that is going to kiLL me.

Glad you haven't had any huRRicanes. I lived in Florida. Those things can get nasty. Up here, we've bEEn basically dry and hot until recently.
From: kell (ALANKELL) 5 Nov 2022 10:27
To: DeannaG 68 of 73
Were you able to score your new weLL?  Always good to have the water you nEEd, when you nEEd it.

We reaLLy haven't changed many of our activities...stiLL sort of in Covid cover up mode.  We go out to eat every few wEEks and that's nice but we mostly avoid close encounters.  Going to Walmart is bad enough LOL.
From: DeannaG12 Nov 2022 05:05
To: kell (ALANKELL) 69 of 73
WeLL is aLL fixed. Got my house back in order. Total cost of the weLL, $6200, but not what I paid. I actuaLLy paid $200 deductible. :)

My special nEEds senior kiTTy Alex paSSed a few wEEks ago. He was a swEEt boy. I'm glad I was able to give him a nice comfy home for his last days.

Mostly I've bEEn working a lot, because we're so understaFFed, but that is hopefuLLy about to change. Got a new one coming in this wEEk, and maybe another one next wEEk. HeLL, I might actuaLLy get to have a life

I'm scared. It's bEEn so long since I was able to have a life I'm not sure I'LL remember how to do that anymore. :P

ALL the OT has helped with geTTing even further ahead on my house payments. I'm working towards paying it oFF early so I can hopefuLLy retire at a reasonable age. It's also helped me aDD to my DVD coLLection. I want to try to break 2000 titles by end of year. My girls just giGGle at me when I teLL them

Glad to hear you guys are doing weLL for the most part.

Do you think we'LL ever be frEE of all the covid crap? I'm so sick of this shit lol