Favorite N.C.I.S. Character

From: DeannaG19 Aug 2020 01:26
To: ALL2 of 2
N.C.I.S is one of the greatest shows every brought to TV!

The characters are intriguing, the plots really get your going, and you can tell they've put a lot of real effort into this show.

I preferred Michael Weatherly in Dark Angel, and would've enjoyed seeing that show go farther than it did, but I understand everything comes to end. All things considered, I still think that show ended way too soon.

Weatherly doesn't really do a bad job as DiNozzo, but something is just off there for me. It's one of those things you just can't quite seem to put your finger on, but you still know it's there. I picture him more the doctor type. Not the law enforcement type.

Harmon on the other hand is a perfect fit. His character Gibbs is believable, likeable, and just makes you want to be buds with the guy. You know the type. You respect and fear him, but you still think he's super cool and would love to be invited to his bday party.

I also have to say I like Murray as Tim. He's a good fit and it's nice to see a child actor still able to make it, and do a good job. Many of them age out, which is a shame. It must be an incredible blow to a person's self esteem to turn a year or two older and suddenly not be able to ply one's craft, or get stuck in cheesy shows and movies that simply reek of low budget and desperation. However, thankfully, this has not happened to Murray and he's doing a bang up job as the resident geek on Gibb's team. Way to shine Murray!

We now move on to my two personal favorites, Pauley and David's characters, Abbey and Ducky. What can you say about these two? Simply put, for me, they really make the show more than just your common crime drama. These two characters are exceptionally well played by their actors, and as my woman would say, beyond lovable. They really make this show top of the line.

If you haven't watched N.C.I.S. I have just one question for you.

Are you insane? Do yourself a favor! Watch it!

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