Forum Request

From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE)12 Apr 2017 21:12
To: ALL1 of 4
My RP friend (also from Delphi) Fen'Athera and I would like to co-host a forum. If that's not possible, I will take host, and she would like assistant host, please.

We would like to call it Inspired: A Multiverse Creative Writing Game.
We would like the WebTag to be Inspired.
We would like it to be a public forum with restricted message boards.
APPROVED: 18 Apr 2017 15:33 by DEANNAG
From: DeannaG18 Apr 2017 15:36
To: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 2 of 4
Your forum is ready for you to begin using it.

To create your forum's folders and set their permissions, go to Admin > Folders and the tools will open on the right.

You'll see a key there as well with explanations of each permission setting.

I've created and Admin group and added you and your friend to it. You are equal owners.

Welcome to the madness Hon.

After I'm finished with the user tutorials, I'll be working on the forum owners section.
From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE)21 Apr 2017 02:07
To: DeannaG 3 of 4
Great! Thank you so very much D! :D
From: DeannaG22 Apr 2017 11:43
To: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 4 of 4
You're quite welcome.