I think I want one, but...

From: DeannaG30 Jun 2017 19:58
To: Dominus Veritatus (ZAIGE) 8 of 12
Your forum is up.


Disabling guest access is controlled in Admin > Forum Settings - at the bottom, but I already set it for you. You can also control whether to not to allow spiders and search engine bots, and whether or not to list them in your Active Visitor Log at the bottom of your message board, if you decide to show the public forum stats section at all.

There is a wiki for Beehive on GitHub. Here is the link.

I haven't had time to set up forum owner tutorials here yet, but the wiki basically holds the same information and a lot of tools in the Admin areas already have descriptions of what they do and some instruction.

From: Dominus Veritatus (ZAIGE)11 Jul 2017 14:54
To: DeannaG 9 of 12
Thank you so very much!

As for guides... I'm pretty good (and reliant) upon intuitively working out how things operate, and I think I'm also in good hands (Beehive + You), so I'll be fine without the instructional guide(s).

While we're at it, is there any chance I could set up a space called TRANSCENDED with the webtag TRANSCENDED? A Public Forum.

It might be nice to set up an outpost here, and a basis for inviting some of my trusty, dependable DU buddies. :)
From: DeannaG25 Jul 2017 12:33
To: Dominus Veritatus (ZAIGE) 10 of 12
It's ready.


Sorry for the delay, but I've been working like a fiend.

I'm designated as part time, but I'm also the 'on call person, and sometimes being the 'on call person' can be a pain for getting things done. Someone calls off or just wants a day off, and I'm working days I'm not scheduled to work.

I've actually had to turn the house over to the old man. Except for laundry. There is no way in Hell he's touching my machines or doing our clothes. He's great at a lot of things, but laundry isn't one of them. lol
From: Dominus Veritatus (ZAIGE) 2 Aug 2017 11:28
To: DeannaG 11 of 12
No biggie on the delay! Real life always finds a way to grip our vitals with its hooks and prevent us from going where we'd like until we tackle this issue, or that problem, or address some other concern, etc.

My wife is the same way with her laundry. I do the laundry just fine, and nothing has ever come out with bleeding colors, or shrunken/torn/etc on my watch, but she prefers things 'just-so', and I just let her do it, lest I (a) put something in the dryer she wanted to hang dry, (b) hang-dry something she wanted put in the dryer, etc. It's a shame, too, because I often forget to do laundry, but because I don't do HER laundry, I have just about ZERO bargaining room to ask her to do mine, so when I forget....

Well, let's just say, I have to make a point not to forget!

Thanks for the forum setup! I am still having some trouble navigating the forums, but mostly only with the following details:
  • Setting my Skin Preferences so that I view whatever skin the FORUM is using, not just whichever one *I* am using.
  • Setting up Chat (although I haven't given it much time nor attention, and can probably figure it out once I sit down to give it a proper looking at)
  • Verifying how good the MS Word to Forum Post transfers over.

It really is a shame that Delphi felt a need to stoop to scooping more and more BASIC features and making them PAID-ONLY features, but as the RPG and Underground scenes are dead there, I probably NEED more incentive to look elsewhere.

I miss the RP side of the Delphi Underground, and would love to try and revive it, with clearer boundaries and rules (just pertaining to the blurring of IC and OOC). Beyond making it clear IRL info has no place across message boards, I have no problem just leaving people to figure out for themselves what the 'rules' of such a community were meant to be.

You were a member of the Drakulya faction, so I think you know how fun it could be when people were respecting themselves and others. The politicking, the deep and thought-provoking and meaningful conversations, the storylines, the art, and so much more...

What would you think about recreating those elements of the DU here?
From: DeannaG14 Aug 2017 21:30
To: Dominus Veritatus (ZAIGE) 12 of 12
I doubt I'd be much good at recreating anything along those lines with the way things are going RL.

My part time job is proving to be more full time, with the on call aspect of it, and I'm house hunting for a place with a country setting. I want at least an acre of ground for gardening and raising some small livestock. The old man would be handling most of it, but it would make me happier to have control over what we're eating, as far as knowing how it was grown or raised and what is or isn't on it or in it. You know?

When I do get some free time for online, I try to check in here to make sure things are doing okay for those who choose to use the site, and after that I sometimes go play a little WOW before going to bed to get some sleep, just in case I'm needed at work.

Right now my supposed two day work week, which are the days I was actually scheduled to work, has turned into a nine day stretch. If they were all the same shift, it wouldn't be so bad, but as luck would have it, they're all over the  place.

I may try to write something somewhere tonight, but I'm not sure. We'll see how I feel.

I'm actually hoping I don't get called in tomorrow, but I'm not banking on a day off either. lol