
From: Muse (ZAIGE)20 Jun 2017 15:53
To: ALL1 of 9
From: Muse (ZAIGE)20 Jun 2017 15:54
To: DeannaG 2 of 9
Sorry, meant this for you.
From: DeannaG21 Jun 2017 23:41
To: Muse (ZAIGE) 3 of 9
Yes. It's still open. I haven't visited in a while, but I haven't closed it either. My new job is really sucking up my time.

I've added you to the Guest group, as you're a new entry. After a while you may be moved into another group. I can't say when I'll be around next, but you could always try posting to another and maybe getting something rolling for you all.

Right now I'm about two yawns away from my bed.

After you've read this message I'll delete it. Weren't you able to reply to the post in the promos forum? It should have let you reply to the post to ask for access. If not, I'll have to check the settings in that forum.

From: Muse (ZAIGE)22 Jun 2017 15:09
To: DeannaG 4 of 9
No, I wasn't able to reply to that thread. The forum said to request access in that thread, so I went to, but it was acting like a Locked Thread or something.
From: DeannaG23 Jun 2017 23:49
To: Muse (ZAIGE) 5 of 9
I checked. Guests, which you currently are, are on moderation. If you make a post, a mod needs to approve it before it shows up on the board.

Spam protection.

I'll move you into the members group and you should be okay. You might have to clear your browser cache for the new settings to take affect.
From: Muse (ZAIGE)28 Jun 2017 15:01
To: DeannaG 6 of 9
I clear them so often, it's almost religious! :p

I will check soon, and see what can be done about an Entry Request post.
From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE)28 Jun 2017 23:56
To: Muse (ZAIGE) 7 of 9
Hey Zaige! Welcome to Beehive. :D
From: Muse (ZAIGE)29 Jun 2017 11:22
To: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 8 of 9
Thank you kindly!
From: DeannaG30 Jun 2017 20:01
To: Muse (ZAIGE) 9 of 9
I hear you. I do the same thing throughout my time online, and when I'm getting ready to shut down my browser.

With me it's a bit of OCD. Messy or cluttered things bug me....a lot. lol