Requesting a Forum - Dark Sanctuary

From: Lord Necron21 Sep 2018 01:14
To: ALL1 of 3
Greetings. I came from DelphiForums but moved to Proboards in 2014 shortly after DF changed their pricing and format. Mountain Rose referred me here.

I would like to request a forum and would like it to be called Dark Sanctuary, I would like the webtag to be set as DarkSanctuaryRPG and I would also like the forum, to be public though I will set the folders and their permissions up myself. Which I hope will not be problematic. Lol.

Thanks in advance!
From: DeannaG17 Oct 2018 10:13
To: Lord Necron 2 of 3
Hello Lord Necron!

Your forum is ready for you to start using it and it's associated chat room.

Apologies you had to wait so long. Work is really sucking up my time, and unfortunately at this point I'm the only staffer. I hope one day that will change, but until then, we deal. :)

Around the forum you'll find a number or helpful posts. If you need help, feel free to contact me, and I'll try to get to you as soon as possible.

Again, apologies for the long wait.
From: Lord Necron18 Oct 2018 04:53
To: DeannaG 3 of 3
It is fine and I understand. I have been rather busy myself and I check back often whenever I can. If you need assistance in managing I would be interested in helping out if I can.