
From: DeannaG16 Jan 2017 03:43
To: ALL1 of 1
Welcome to our forum!

Night Tribes is an adult free writing, vampire and lycan based role play game and restricted access. Only those we allow may enter here to even read.

One thing to know is sex will happen. It's a fact of life, but it doesn't happen every second of a person's life and it doesn't need to be rape or an adult attacking a child. We've seen some of this in other places, and we've seen it run rampant and ruin many a game and forum, and it's not welcome here.

We'd like our players to concentrate on their stories and being good writers.

Please read our start page it's got information on it you will find useful.

This forum is restricted to those 21 and older. Why? Mostly violence and gore, but there is the potential for violent or gory sex as well. There is the possibility of seeing posts involving S&M. We'd just like the participants to be willing and not children. Make sure your characters are adults.

Let's try to be considerate and respectful of each other so we can have fun together.
Now, let's play!