Puffed Oven Pancakes

From: DeannaG29 Oct 2016 04:00
To: ALL1 of 1
2 Tbsp margarine, butter, or BF Crisco (BF Crisco works best)
3 eggs
1/2 c flour
1/2 c milk
optional 1/4 tsp salt.

Place margarine, butter, or BF Crisco is an oven proof 10 inch skillet - Cast iron works great.
Place in a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven until margarine, butter, or BF Crisco melts.
In a bowl, beat eggs until well combined.
Add flour, milk, and salt (if using salt).
Beat until smooth, then immediately pour it into the hot skillet.
Bake for 30 minutes, or until well browned.
May be served plain or topped with syrup, fruit, whipped cream. Whatever you like.

I found if you use an 8 inch cast iron skillet, the sides come up and the pancake forms a bowl. Works great for holding your fruit, syrup, whatever.

They can also be used as a bowl for other dishes. I made a thick gravy with meat and vegetables, like for a meat pie, and one of these worked great for a bowl. Just make sure whatever you put in it doesn't have a lot of liquid, or it'll just mush out on you. :)

Puffed Oven Pancake