Realms NPCs: Elves

From: DeannaG18 Jan 2017 01:11
To: ALL1 of 1
Name- Nauranu
Gender- Male
Age- 30s?
Hair/Eye Color- Browns - likes it loose / Green
Height/Weight- 6 ft/140 lbs
Race- Wood Elf
Alignment- Neutral Good
Occupation/Class- Ranger
Personal Weapons- Long bow, bastard sword, small throwing daggers.
Skills- Excellent tracker, hunter, and fighter.
Weaknesses- Temperamental. Can be excitable when irritated. Often rash.
Hobbies- Wood carving, flute playing
Armor- Leather
Pack Items- None. He lives off the land.
Location: Forests of Aris

A wood elf who, with his small group of companions, has sworn to protect the woods of Aris, and the creatures living within them. It's believed he's fairly young, but no one is exactly certain, and anyone who truly knows isn't telling.

Even by elven standards Nauranu is fair in appearance. This usually gains him an undo amounts of appreciation from many females. It's something he often finds irritating, maybe even a bit embarrassing.

He favors dark, natural tones of greens, browns, and black for his clothing. His footwear is the common, soft soled boots of his elven kind, and all his clothing is made from natural materials found within the forests of Aris.

He also seems determined to be a never ending thorn in Jarvas' side; Jarvas is a retired adventurer/fighter dwarf who owns the Hogshead Tavern.

Name- Naurion
Gender- Male
Age- 20s?
Hair/Eye Color- Browns - tied back and braided / Green
Height/Weight- 5.5 ft/140 lbs
Race- Wood Elf
Alignment- Neutral Good
Occupation/Class- Ranger
Personal Weapons- Long bow, bastard sword, small throwing daggers.
Skills- Excellent tracker, hunter, and fighter.
Weaknesses- Temperamental. Can be excitable when irritated. Often rash.
Hobbies- Wood carving, flute playing
Armor- Leather
Pack Items- None. He lives off the land.
Location: Forests of Aris

Naurion is Nauranu's younger brother, and second in command of their group.

He's similar in appearance to his older brother, Nauranu, but for the fact he's not quite so tall, and prefers to wear his hair differently. He's also able to communicate his thoughts to a variety of small animals, and can feel the mood of the trees around him.

These inborn talents make him an invaluable asset to Nauranu's group, and his wise use of them has gained much respect from many he met in his life.