General ChatterBeehiveForum.US Ad Blocking   


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 From:  DeannaG  
 To:  ALL
BeehiveForum.US is advertisement supported.

Please don't block the advertisements supporting the free services offered here. If enough donations are gathered to pay the operating expenses of the site and it's services, the advertisements are turned off. However, unless that happens, the advertisements and the revenue they gather is needed for this site to continue operating and providing it's free-for-use services.

Advertisements are placed as unobtrusively as possible, at the bottom of certain pages and in the chat room header. Google ads are also served after every ninth message on the message boards.

All advertisers are carefully screened for safety and content.

Our primary advertisers at this time are NameCheap, Amazon, and Google.

If you are interested in having your advertisements shown here to help support these free-for-use services, contact me via PM or Email, and I'll discuss it with you.

We do not allow popunder or popup ads. If you click on an advertisement a new window will open for your convenience, but nothing will open if you don't click on it. You can safe list BeehiveForum.US, the forums, and the chats.

We do not accept all advertisers or websites. Adult content advertisers and websites need not apply.




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